Thursday, December 6, 2012

FREE CROCHET PATTERN Heart Tunic Correction - Lighthearted Tunic

FREE CROCHET PATTERN A Very Elegant Cowel รก la Mode

FREE CROCHET PATTERN A Very Cute Crochet Floral Hat Hat

FREE CROCHET PATTERN Looking For An Easy Baby Booty Crochet Pattern? Up Booties

FREE CROCHET PATTERN Very Cute ~ Gingerbread Man Apron Man Apron


FREE CROCHET PATTERN The Reversing Beanie ~ Let's try this one out the Beanie


Sorry i havnt posted any.. they are not my own and some of the items made are from a couple months ago or more and i havnt really saved the patterns... shame on me cause i love them and now i have to search for patterns lol but i promise any items posted that are recently made i'll make sure to add the link of where i got the pattern from :) sharing is caring!!! <3

A Dress For A Princess

                                          A friend called me up and said she wanted me to crochet
                                         a dress for her grandbaby :) love this ...i so wanted
                                          to keep it for my daughter lol

Blog Poll~ What Do You Think About My Blog?

Hey guyz don't forget to vote... at the end of my blog all the way at the bottom of the page ... vote and share please ... thanx again :)

Word of Mouth Is the Best Advertisement

See something you really like ????

Please "like", comment, and share!!!!!

 This is how small businesses word of mouth!!!!

 Thanx in advance <3

Hellooooooo Kitty!

                                          Crochet Headband with Hello Kitty Ribbon ...
                                              Who doesn't love Hello Kitty?? :)

Purple & Pink Perfection

                                          A dress and booties and heandband set that i made
                                           and later decided to make a blanket that matched

The Poncho Twins

                                                           This was my first try at a poncho
                                                            and made two sets for twins :)

A Sweater Scarf

                                                    It has the sweater feel but it's a scarf :)
                                                                     so soft too!!!

Crocodile Stitch

                                           Love this style ~ it was alot of work but so worth it!

A Crochet Turban

My Little Girl

Baby Booties

~Color Run 5K~ So excited!!!

So has anyone done this before???  I have never done a 5 K before so this will be my first and i'm super excited about it, I belong to a mom's group here in my area and well someone said "let's do this" and we all signed up .... we are dressing up in colorful tutus and colored socks and getting the bright make-up out .... we actually two groups one will be the running group and the other will be the light jogging to walking group... i've been with this mommy group for about 4 months or so ...maybe longer but they are super awesome, we do alot of activities and we really get along well, we do have some drama once in a blue moon but what do you expect ... we are all woman lol

Anywayz, getting ready for this thing isn't easy i am not in the best shape (like the other moms are ) and this is why i went with the walking group lol cause knowing me , not even within the two minutes i'd be on the ground choking , trying to catch my breath and feeling like i've had a heart attack. I say i'm gonna train for this thing but reality is, most likely won't. My daughter is just all over the place and she doesn't seem to wanna take a nap anymore and when she does it is real late , around 6p.m. and sleeps till 10 p.m. and then is awake till 2or 3 a.m. and then goes back to bed to wake up at 7a.m. (NOT FUN!) and i dont seem to sleep well on her schedule so when she naps.... I NAP!!!

The Color Run in my area wont be till January 2013... but i will keep you updated and post pics :)

~A loss of a Mother ~

Today at 11 a.m. in the morning my cousins mother passed away because of an aneurism (is that how u spell it?) anywayz this cause her to go into cardiac arrest :(  Out of 4 children 2 of them are still under the age of 18  the other two are adults ... and although the loss of a mother affects any age but my heart goes out to the youngest .... I couldn't imagine loosing my mother especially in that way I don't know how i will react when my mother's time comes, she is 72 but she doesnt look it at all .... but i'm sure she feels it (she has to take her mid-day nap) my son who will be 10 soon goes over to moms and spends the weekend with her my daughter is just too all over the place to stay with Nana lol but i hope she has the opportunity to have the memories that my son experienced with his Nana... I actually think about this all the time and when i do I cry :( I never really thought about this before but now that she is older, i realize that she doesn't really have much time. I mean who really lives to be 100 now-a-days (i hope she does) but reality is many only live to be about 80 or 90... really no one knows when their time will be up.... Have you lost anyone close to you? How has it been? I'm sure you never get over it but how long did it take for you to be okay with it? What helped you?

Unfortunately i cannot go to the funeral ... but i will be in spirit ... Many prayers to The Moreno Family <3

Dr Who

Dr. Who? Dr. Who? Dr. Who? yup Dr. Who you said it.... if you dont know who the Doctor is .... where have you been? lol I am proud to say I am a Whovian :) Look him up if you have watched the series ... google him .... watch on youtube or if you have Netflix you can watch them all :D My favorite are The Ponds (i wont give anything away if you havnt watched ) and of course who doesnt like The Daleks <3
Headover to my facebook page and "like" check out my crochet album and let me know what your favorite item is :)
                                                                     ~My Familia ~
This is my first time blogging ... Obviously i will blogging about Crochet but also about my life etc. etc. you know the rest lol Just wanted to introduce myself and tell you alittle bit about me, myself, and I. I am a stay at home mom of two children, my oldest who will be 10 in Febuary (who has high functioning autism) and my daughter who will be 2 in January. 

My mother taught me the basics of Crocheting, she is from Ecuador and went to a school where they taught all that stuff, but i never followed thru with it but then while pregnant with my daughter started learning little by little by buying books and also asking people who knew how to crochet to help me along.... lets just say that my first project was never completed bc i decided i was gonna make a queen size blanket for our bed ... not a good idea if your starting out always start with the simplest or smallest project because your hands will hurt and you will give up... so my next project was a baby blanket for my daughter and it came out nice but it was all woky and not as staright as i wanted it to be on the edges.

I have been doing this for almost 2 years and still learning, but i finally learned how to read patterns and to add or take away from a pattern to make my own design or look, dont ask me to write a pattern though, I'm not quite there yet!! Ask me in about 10 years lol