Thursday, December 6, 2012

~A loss of a Mother ~

Today at 11 a.m. in the morning my cousins mother passed away because of an aneurism (is that how u spell it?) anywayz this cause her to go into cardiac arrest :(  Out of 4 children 2 of them are still under the age of 18  the other two are adults ... and although the loss of a mother affects any age but my heart goes out to the youngest .... I couldn't imagine loosing my mother especially in that way I don't know how i will react when my mother's time comes, she is 72 but she doesnt look it at all .... but i'm sure she feels it (she has to take her mid-day nap) my son who will be 10 soon goes over to moms and spends the weekend with her my daughter is just too all over the place to stay with Nana lol but i hope she has the opportunity to have the memories that my son experienced with his Nana... I actually think about this all the time and when i do I cry :( I never really thought about this before but now that she is older, i realize that she doesn't really have much time. I mean who really lives to be 100 now-a-days (i hope she does) but reality is many only live to be about 80 or 90... really no one knows when their time will be up.... Have you lost anyone close to you? How has it been? I'm sure you never get over it but how long did it take for you to be okay with it? What helped you?

Unfortunately i cannot go to the funeral ... but i will be in spirit ... Many prayers to The Moreno Family <3

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