Thursday, December 6, 2012

~Color Run 5K~ So excited!!!

So has anyone done this before???  I have never done a 5 K before so this will be my first and i'm super excited about it, I belong to a mom's group here in my area and well someone said "let's do this" and we all signed up .... we are dressing up in colorful tutus and colored socks and getting the bright make-up out .... we actually two groups one will be the running group and the other will be the light jogging to walking group... i've been with this mommy group for about 4 months or so ...maybe longer but they are super awesome, we do alot of activities and we really get along well, we do have some drama once in a blue moon but what do you expect ... we are all woman lol

Anywayz, getting ready for this thing isn't easy i am not in the best shape (like the other moms are ) and this is why i went with the walking group lol cause knowing me , not even within the two minutes i'd be on the ground choking , trying to catch my breath and feeling like i've had a heart attack. I say i'm gonna train for this thing but reality is, most likely won't. My daughter is just all over the place and she doesn't seem to wanna take a nap anymore and when she does it is real late , around 6p.m. and sleeps till 10 p.m. and then is awake till 2or 3 a.m. and then goes back to bed to wake up at 7a.m. (NOT FUN!) and i dont seem to sleep well on her schedule so when she naps.... I NAP!!!

The Color Run in my area wont be till January 2013... but i will keep you updated and post pics :)

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