Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is my first time blogging ... Obviously i will blogging about Crochet but also about my life etc. etc. you know the rest lol Just wanted to introduce myself and tell you alittle bit about me, myself, and I. I am a stay at home mom of two children, my oldest who will be 10 in Febuary (who has high functioning autism) and my daughter who will be 2 in January. 

My mother taught me the basics of Crocheting, she is from Ecuador and went to a school where they taught all that stuff, but i never followed thru with it but then while pregnant with my daughter started learning little by little by buying books and also asking people who knew how to crochet to help me along.... lets just say that my first project was never completed bc i decided i was gonna make a queen size blanket for our bed ... not a good idea if your starting out always start with the simplest or smallest project because your hands will hurt and you will give up... so my next project was a baby blanket for my daughter and it came out nice but it was all woky and not as staright as i wanted it to be on the edges.

I have been doing this for almost 2 years and still learning, but i finally learned how to read patterns and to add or take away from a pattern to make my own design or look, dont ask me to write a pattern though, I'm not quite there yet!! Ask me in about 10 years lol

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